Are Australian Shepherds As Crazy As They Look?

Are Australian Shepherds as crazy as they look? YES.  No not really, at least from what I can tell so far, but they ARE energetic dogs and if you don’t have the time or space to keep one physically active they’re definitely not the dog for you.  Some are absolutely beautiful, but some are just plain crazy looking.

Australian Shepherd Puppy

Ole Blue Eyes

Maybe it’s the blue eyes on the pups that, at least in some, turn to a more amber shade as they age.

Australian Shepherd

Say What?

That look right there really makes me wonder what he’s contemplating.  One thing about these dogs is they are SMART.

Australian Shepherd Puppies

Awww- Puppies

Okay, so they don’t look so crazy when they’re puppies, although they do have some crazy colorings. 

Australian Shepherd

No Really, I’m Not Nuts

I think the dogs whose eyes stay blue are significantly more crazy looking than those with other eye colors, and trust me these can be varied.

Australian Shepherd

Make My Day

They are also very family oriented and while not exactly formidable looking, they can be formidable to deal with if you aren’t part of their family.  It is necessary to “socialize” your Aussie while it is still young to keep any other people out of harm’s way should they come into contact with your dog without being properly introduced.

Australian Shepherd

Who’s This Batman Joker?

My puppy has this thing about brooms, ( and shovels), and that’s if you try to sweep with him in the room, he trys to bite the broom with each swipe and barks every time you attempt to sweep, ( or shovel ). He acts, dare I say it? Absolutely crazy.

Australian Shepherd

Copper- My Pup

I think the tri color reds, like my pup, Copper, are some of the least nutso looking of the breed, but I’m still not totally convinced they aren’t crazy.  HA HA  Actually he’s a really good pup and as I said before, so smart. Housebroken in I think it was 3 days and I got him when he was not quite 8 weeks old.

Australian Shepherd

So Nice To Eat I Mean Meet You

There you have a few examples of what these dogs look like in a few, a very few, of their different coloring. Are they crazy?  It’s yet to be seen.  I’ll let you know in a month or two.

33 Signs The Illuminati Is Real

33 Signs The Illuminati Is Real

This post’s images were put together tongue in cheek but what do you really think about the presence of secret organizations that control your destiny without your knowledge or even an iota of an inkling?  I don’t doubt that there are many such organizations that TRY or WOULD LIKE to have such power but to believe that this one particular group has had their hands on all of our strings like a maniacal puppeteer, and has fashioned out a New World Order right under our very noses is a bit hard for me to come to grips with.  If it’s true, then damn I’ve been a dumbass, and I’ve read both Brave New World and 1984 multiple times.  Again, if it IS true, I don’t believe the people of this country, no matter how sheeplike, would let this type of people STAY in power.

Let’s take a look at these signs and then I’ll have something more to say (naturally) at the end of them.

1. Obama’s 13 candles

2. A dollar bill

3. The Taco Bell logo

4. Lady Gaga’s face

5. And everything about her “Bad Romance” video

6. Madonna’s headdress

7. This scene from “The Simpsons”

8. The Pope’s clothing

9. This Nickelodeon commercial

10. Rihanna’s “Umbrella” music video

11. This scene from “Family Guy”

12. Beyoncé

13. Jay-Z

14. Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s child

15. The layout of the streets in Washington, D.C.

16. KISS’s name

17. The United Nations

18. Eminem

19. These special Pepsi cans

20. President George H.W. Bush

21. And his pyramid

22. The MTV Canada office

The MTV Canada office

The MTV Canada office

23. The London Olympics

24. Everything about Disney

25. LeBron James in this video game

26. LeBron James in real life

27. The Denver airport

The Denver Airport

The Denver Airport

28. Taylor Swift’s arm

29. Nicki Minaj’s Boobs

30. This Tree

Tree with a symbol overgrown under the bark

This Tree

31. These pants

32. Every celebrity ever who has ever taken a picture while covering one eye

33. And the location of these five Outback Steakhouses outside Phoenix, Arizona

And the location of these five Outback Steakhouses outside Phoenix, Arizona

And the location of these five Outback Steakhouses outside Phoenix, Arizona

I know one thing, if this IS real, we’d better wake up and put a stop to things NOW.  I don’t propose how to do this but I think when you see things that are taken for granted being changed and twisted to meet other purposes, say, like OUR CONSTITUTION, then we need to at the very least try to make sure our friends and neighbors are aware of these changes and aren’t afraid to protest.  And dare I say it?  VOTE This has been a public service announcement from someone who still has faith in humanity.

This Pastor Said Something That All Christians Should Hear

Goes to show that not everyone out there is a bigot. I love what this guy says, love his delivery and think he deserves a medal for having the bravery to speak his mind openly and honestly. Kudos to you Pastor.



I am sure a few will have something to say, be sure to let us know.