27 Photos Of The October 8th Lunar Eclipse or Second Blood Moon

Whether you believe that these eclipses have something to do with biblical prophecy as author John Hagee writes about in his book “Four Blood Moons” or you’re just into astronomy, the recent eclipse was really something to see.  This last eclipse on October 8th is part of what is called a “tetrad”, four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons).  These are the dates of the entire tetrad-  2014- Total lunar eclipses : April 14-15,  October 7-8  2015- April 4.  September 28.

The images you see here were taken by my husband between the hours of 11 pm on the 7th of October and 5 am on the morning of October 8th with a Nikon D800 attached to a Stellarvue telescope on a Celestron mount approximately 28 miles to the East of Houston, Texas. Some of these may appear to be the same photo, just darker, and that is because the shutter time was different than those that appear lighter.  Whatever the case, these were taken over the span of a six hour period.

eclipse 10/08/14total lunar eclipse 10/08/14total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14


total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14

total lunar eclipse 10/08/14What do you think?  Do you think it’s possible that the coming of these eclipses have anything to do with the “end times” being near??  We’d love to know!

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