Sickness Sucks

Been sick, but feeling a bit better now. Look for some new posts tomorrow. I think I’m just about over this whatever the hell it was. Crunge.

Bad Dog Warning Card

I guess it’s a good thing I’m so familiar with doing things on the Internet and via a computer because I just got a Bad Dog Warning Card from the USPS, so I might need email more than ever.  And, might I add, I am LMAO!
Bad dog warning cardThe only thing that was written on this card was our address, and after the address- in house-honk.  Giggling uncontrollably.  Are we freaking serious here? For one thing she’s 13 years old, for another thing she’s INSIDE THE HOUSE, and last I looked had not grown thumbs and cannot open the door.  I suppose in one of her more creative attack modes she might actually crash through the glass window and the screen and satisfy her taste for mail carriers that way, but I find it highly unlikely.  Shaking my head.
I have to say if you are a mail carrier and you are so afraid of dogs, no matter how bad their bark, that you can’t knock on a door or ring a doorbell because an animal INSIDE THE HOUSE scares you, you might have taken the wrong career path.

Passwords Alas

I have the most terrible time remembering my passwords. I used to use the same one everywhere except for my bank and credit cards, but for some reason I had to change several, and even though I do my best to write them down, it’s still a pain to have to stop and look them up when I can’t remember. I have my browsers save them for me if it’s not a high priority log in, but with everybody and their brother grabbing my laptop when they’re at the house, things have a way of getting deleted. GRRRR. OR someone logs in somewhere I login with THEIR password. I just went through what I thought was an up to date file of passwords as I was adding a few new sites and I know for certain that some have been changed since I wrote them down the first time. OK. Maybe it’s not remembering my passwords. Maybe it’s just remembering. CRS– YES- I suffer from it.

Now consider this from Wiki-
Guidelines for choosing good passwords are designed to make passwords less easily discovered by intelligent guessing.
Common guidelines include:
A minimum password length of 12 to 14 characters if permitted.
Generate passwords randomly where feasible.
Avoid passwords based on repetition, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, romantic links (current or past), or biographical information (e.g., ID numbers, ancestors’ names or dates).
Include numbers, and symbols in passwords if allowed by the system
If the system recognizes case as significant, use capital and lower-case letters.
Avoid using the same password for multiple sites or purposes.
Avoid using something that the public or workmates know you strongly like or dislike.
Some guidelines advise against writing passwords down, while others, noting the large numbers of password protected systems users must access, encourage writing down passwords as long as the written password lists are kept in a safe place, not attached to a monitor or in an unlocked desk drawer.
The possible character set for a password can be constrained by different web sites or by the range of keyboards on which the password must be entered.

I remember when all you used to have to do to get in somewhere was open a door, or knock on it….

Grandma Finally

Two of my favorite men!

Two of my favorite men!

January 23, 2013 if I’m not mistaken. LOL That’s when I finally became a grandmother. My daughter had her first child, Rory, at the age of 29. She waited one more year than I did, I had her, my first, when I was 28. That’s my older brother Mel holding him and it is their first time ever to meet. They both look satisfied to me.