Diane's Stuff

Diane’s Stuff

Infrastructure Make-over In The Cards For $4 Trillion Dollars


‘Infrastructure: the basic systems and services, such as transportation and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively.

I thought I’d take a look at President Joe Biden’s record in the Senate and see what types of things he’d sponsored over the years to become law and found a total of 28 bills in his 36 years ensconced there that had made it all the way.  TWENTY.  EIGHT. That’s the total from the 491 that he introduced during those years.  I had to do some math.  Rounded off, that’s 14 bills a year. Of course that doesn’t mean they were on a schedule, I’m just trying to get it clear in my head what this man did in THIRTY SIX years that show the American public they should be content to let him spend the trillions upon trillions of dollars he intends. (Which you well know will come out of our tax dollars.)

There are of course not just bills, but resolutions and co-resolutions etc. and bills he’s listed as co-sponsor on, but I’m talking about what did this man actually accomplish on his own while in the Senate?  He managed to get 28 bills turned into laws.  I wonder if his voting public knows that at least ten of those enhanced the position of law enforcement and criminal courts.

As a matter of fact, the last bill he sponsored in his role of senator that became law was the following:

1. S.3605 — 110th Congress (2007-2008) Criminal History Background Checks Pilot Extension Act of 2008  Sponsor: Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] (Introduced 09/26/2008) Cosponsors: (1)

I find that rather odd requiring background checks of volunteers for criminal history when he’s content to let just anyone into the United States through our Southern borders.  But I digress.

Each of the bills that are sponsored are assigned to a committee for study to determine if they should be passed on and of the 28 bills that became law because of Biden’s introduction and sponsorship,  only one was sent to the committee for Transportation and Infrastructure. In THIRTY SIX years.  And to just make me shake my head even further this is the summary of the bill.

Introduced in Senate (11/20/1993)
Extends to December 29, 1996, the authority for the Marshal of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Police to protect, in any part of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States and any Associate Justice, official guest, officer, or employee of the Supreme Court while such person is engaged in official duties.

Don’t even get me started on the man’s choice for Secretary of Transportation.  Right.  From the little I saw of Pete Buttigieg during the Democratic debates he struck me as a well-meaning, concerned individual but do you put a 39 year old history and literature major, economist, philosopher and intended career politician, Rhodes Scholar or not, into a position that can literally bring the country to a halt or at least slow it down a good bit if mismanaged?

“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. ”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

There are 13 agencies  in the U.S. Department of Transportation that this man oversees and these include  the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  Quite a big bite for a mayor from a relatively small town.  I wouldn’t call it a city.  I live in a small town not quite as large as South Bend, and while they like to call it a city, it’s really not.  I don’t see anything in his experience to think he should be the person who has a large part in doling out perhaps as many as $4 trillion dollars.

In 2015 he told Fortune magazine, “The dream is to actually have a real-life version of Sim City at my fingertips,” referencing South Bend. Pete- you’re not in Indiana anymore. I would prefer to have my tax dollars wasted by someone with actual real life experience and not a person who thinks of the responsibilities at their fingertips as a computer game.  I guess though with trillions of dollars at your disposal you could buy a pretty sick game controller.

Between the guy who’s done diddly squat in 36 years and the guy who’s just three years older than that, I don’t see any of it turning out well enough to justify the expenditure.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – G. Orwell


I wonder if George knew at the time he wrote those words that he was ably predicting how swiftly things in the future would change.  I think all he actually had to do to be such an on point prophet was study history, apply a good dose of imagination and innate intelligence, and voila- “1984” was born.  If you’ve never read the book then you probably don’t know what Newspeak is so I’ll post this description:

To meet the ideological requirements of English Socialism in Oceania, (one of the settings in Orwell’s novel, 1984) the ruling English Socialist Party created Newspeak, a controlled language of simplified grammar and restricted vocabulary designed to limit the individual’s ability to think and articulate “subversive” concepts such as personal identity, self-expression and free will.

Look around you and if you don’t see how that’s being slowly implemented into everyday life then you might as well stop reading now because nothing else I have to say will hold any interest for you.

Another way to reinforce the conditioning set forth by implementing Newspeak, as my good old friend David wrote recently on his site, “Third World County”, is by simply doing away with things that would endanger that agenda;  January 21, 2021: Dhimmicraps Start Officially Scrubbing History, by removing The Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission Final Report from the White House website.  He’s taken the copy of it he managed to download and has archived it in case the one he linked to on Wikipedia happened to disappear as well.  I’ve done the same.

I honestly feel that the mainstream media that gleefully reported the removal and did not link to the report, are actively engaged and hand in hand with those in power that intend to shape the United States to their specific design and don’t care a fig for the truth.  If you read the post before this one you’ll see why I lean in that direction.  If history does indeed teach us that we learn nothing from history as Hegel  suggests, why was the document removed?  Simply because it was something that Trump arranged to have put together or because it was too close to actual truth?

Even if it was all hogwash does the President think the citizenry is too stupid or uninformed to make a decision on something’s relevancy?  Could very well be,  he’s sitting in the office and that says something about people’s intelligence right there. Whatever the case may be you’ll have to read it to decide for yourselves and thanks to Wiki and David and myself, and the others out there that are also saving the PDF file, you’ll be able to at least have a hope to find it if Wiki’s disappears too. The Wayback Machine has an archived copy also. It was on the White House site on the 18th and gone on the 21st.  

If you go to the White House website search and type in 1776 to see what will be found for that you’ll see a lot of references to Joe Biden and “racial equality” and what he’s going to do to promote that. It sure won’t find any trace of the document he had removed.  So now he’s the face of racial equality? Excuse me.  A few of his quotes are in order I believe.

“unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community.”

“I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right”

“I oppose busing, to the chagrin of some of my liberal colleagues”

“You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (speaking about President Obama.)

“We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

Black and Latino Americans are dying of COVID-19 at rates nearly three times that of white Americans.  And it’s not white Americans’ fault, but it’s just a fact.  And the Americans now know it, especially younger Americans.

So to hell with all the other races I guess.  Only blacks and latinos and whites seem worth a mention to him for the most part.  I’ve never really thought about myself as a white American.  I’ve just always thought I was a person.  The more you refer to people as this or that the more it reinforces those words in a person’s mind.  He could have said various segments of our population are dying much faster than others and that’s no one’s fault.  You don’t have to relate everything in terms of color but then it wouldn’t stand up to whatever agenda you’re trying to promote now would it? 

I detest the man and his lies about his son and what he knew about China and the Ukraine.  Anyone with a single lick of sense that has seen the evidence I’ve put together, and can believe that he and his son weren’t involved in some really shady dealings are either delusional or lying to themselves.  It is SO obvious. 

I wouldn’t doubt now that he’s president he’ll find a way to covertly remove all the evidence that’s out there that points directly to and affirms his and his son’s guilt, or/and bring pressure to bear on people that know the truth, so the truth, just like the 1776 report, can be removed or at the very least kept quiet.  Until then, just like the 1776 report, out of site, out of mind, or as the title of this piece suggests; “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” 

Don’t listen to the Newspeak.  Do your own research.  OPEN YOUR MINDS.

Responsible Journalism; A Thing Of The Past?


The Society of Professional Journalists was created in 1909 and have the following tenets in their Code of Ethics:

Seek Truth and Report It
Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Minimize Harm-
Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect.

Act Independently-
The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.

Be Accountable and Transparent-
Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s work and explaining one’s decisions to the public.

There are many other statements of expected conduct listed beneath those headings as well and make for an interesting read when considering what may be reported in various publications or seen on  different news channels.

During the last few weeks leading up to the 2020 Presidential election much attention was given to Hunter Biden from the Trump camp  about his supposed involvement with a Chinese fund and monies he may have received via that avenue and whether his father, Trump’s main opposition, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, had any knowledge of that involvement.  Also questioned was Hunter’s stint on the board of Burisma.

I was doing some research into the accusations and found an article from The Washington Post dated October 13, 2019 with a dual byline by Michael Kranish and Anna Fifield.  According to the information listed there about these two, Mr. Kranish is a national political investigative reporter, and Ms. Fifield is a former Beijing bureau chief.  With those type of credentials I imagined they’d have some real insight into the article titled, “Hunter Biden says he will resign from Chinese company board and won’t take foreign work if his father is president.”

Having done a bit of research myself into these events I thought it would be interesting to see how our information lined up.  The gist of their coverage as I’m seeing it is this-

“Li, the Chinese investor, would become general manager of BHR, the “first cross-border investment private equity firm” to be registered in Shanghai’s free-trade zone, according to Chinese business-credit record search engine Tianyancha.”


“Archer created a new company, which he wholly owned, to form a joint partnership with a Chinese firm run by Li, according to those involved in the deal.”


“It’s not clear whether Hunter Biden did anything other than provide a high-profile name — and a connection to the vice president of the United States — that might lure investors.”

Li did not respond to phone calls, a fax, emails or a hand-delivered letter requesting comment. BHR took down its website after Trump’s comments attracted attention to the fund. The Washington Post sought to reach Archer for comment through his lawyer, who did not respond to the request.


“The archived website shows a picture of Hunter Biden, identified as a director, alongside Archer, the vice chairman, and a number of Chinese executives.”

The following is why I’m questioning the integrity of this article. How is it possible that at the same time these two reporters wrote this article I also wrote an article (questioning some things I didn’t believe The New York Times got quite right) and found the answer to one of their most important questions and I didn’t have to request that information from anyone, Devon Archer, Li, their lawyers, or otherwise?

It’s said a picture is worth a thousand words. I have to agree in this case.

In that last quote you’ll see where they’ve referenced “the archived website”.  The archived website they refer to is a capture by The Wayback Machine, or The Web Archives, whichever you’d like to call it.  One of my questions is why didn’t they dig a little deeper and find what I found?  Let me start with that first quote-

screen capture

I’ve left these images large so there should be no problem in viewing them.  Check the date at the top to see when the capture was taken.  Now note what I’ve highlighted in yellow; Rosemont Seneca Partners (“RSP”). This is important.  Why?  The next image should explain that.

Rosemont Seneca

Is this the supposed company created by Devon Archer that he owns wholly alone?  I think not.  If you’ll notice the date it’s October of  2011, so it could be said that perhaps by the time BHR was created in 2013 that Hunter Biden was no longer a part of Rosemont Seneca except for the following:

Managing partner

Now just to make matters more interesting, take a look at one of the original overviews from October of 2014 on the first image, and compare it to this one from March of 2018 and the other dated September of 2019.  Why was Rosemont Seneca Partners dropped from the information?  If that isn’t interesting I don’t know what is.

It’s not like this is some major secret that no one can locate in the “archives”.  Wikipedia even has a page dedicated to RSP. So how is it that these esteemed journalists from The Washington post managed to find archives with a picture of Hunter Biden shown on the management team page as a director (even though they just linked it), but had to ask questions of people to which they received no reply to try to arrive at the questions they were asking?  All they had to do was research a little further.

I’m not even going to touch on the Burisma portion of said article.  I’ll leave this link for the Staff report though from the following committees- U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs  and the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Majority – if you’d like to see what they have to say about it all.  Actually, I’ll give you their conclusion before the link-

The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family
were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign
governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant
and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their
time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while
Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.
Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5
million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction
contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of
money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is
especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese
nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that
accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office.
The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from
executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there
remains much work to be done.

It’s a lengthy read but VERY interesting. Perhaps Mr. Kranish and Ms. Fifield should give it a look.
Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns