Common People Foods That Aren’t Good For Your Dog

There are some very common foods that can be really harmful to our furry friends. I am a little shocked by some of them and I am guilty of giving our dog a couple of these believing they were safe. I have always thought that eggs and milk were good for your dog’s coat!  And meat bones.  What a shocker.
Check it out.


The chemical in chocolate called Theobromine, which is similar to caffeine, could be toxic to your pooch. Theobromine becomes toxic when it’s ingested in 100 to 150 kilograms of body weight, which means the smaller the dog, the higher the risk. There are varying levels of Theobromine depending on the type of chocolate, so to be safe, don’t give it to your dog at all.

Macadamia nuts

While they are poisonous to dogs, no one seems to know what causes it. A sensitivity of them varies from dog to dog, however, it appears that the minimum amount to cause toxicity is 2.2 grams. Signs of poisoning, which include depression, weakness, and vomiting, typically appear within 12 hours.


If ingested in large quantities, onions can be toxic to dogs as it can damage their red blood cells. Even if it’s ingested in a different form, such as onion powder, it can be toxic. Some signs of poisoning include fast breathing, fast heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy.


Peaches are yet another surprising food that’s toxic to dogs. However, it’s not so much the fruit itself you have to worry about, but the pit. The pit contains cyanide, which could be deadly to your pooch if it’s ingested, not to mention the pit could get stuck in the dog’s digestive tract. Better be safe than sorry and avoid them all together.

Raw eggs

Giving a dog raw eggs opens them up to the possibility of E. Coli and Salmonella poisoning. Avidin, which is an enzyme present in raw eggs, could also cause your dog to have skin and coat problems.


Too much salt can be extremely dangerous to dogs. Always keep the salt shakers out of reach of pups, and never give them foods that are high in sodium. Some signs of salt poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and lethargy. In serious cases, it can result in coma or death.


Enabling the yeast before throwing it into the bread mix.

Considering the stomach is warm and wet, it provides the ideal conditions for the yeast to expand in the dog’s stomach, which could cause the organ to react by expanding, possibly cutting off blood flow and contributing to breathing problems. Vomiting and disorientation, as well as coma and death in severe cases, could all be a result.


Did you know that sugarless gum contains the sweetener xylitol? It’s what gives the gum the sweet taste without the sugar. It can actually cause the dog’s pancreas to release insulin, which in turn, could cause liver damage. Both regular and sugar-free gum can also cause blockages in the intestines.


Most dogs are allergic to it, and just like humans, could be lactose intolerant. If your dog has diarrhea or vomiting after eating dairy, chances are he has the allergy, and you should avoid giving him dairy products in the future.


There are those who think it’s funny to see if they can get their dog drunk by giving them alcohol, I personally think it’s a vile thing to do to any animal. It specifically can hurt the nervous system and respiratory system. Alcohol can have a quick effect on the animal, and in much less time than what it would for a human. It can cause the dog to vomit, have diarrhea, have problems breathing, and even result in death.


It’s hard to imagine that something that’s so good for humans could be so toxic to dogs, but it’s true. While the substance called Persin in avocados is what makes a dog sick, dogs have different levels of a reaction to it. Dogs could also inadvertently ingest the pit, which could get stuck in its digestive tract.

Meat Bones

Giving a dog a bone from your turkey or chicken may seem like a good idea, but it has trouble written all over it. Those bones are brittle, which means they could break apart and the shards could damage your dog’s mouth and intestines. There’s also the choking risk. Give them regular dog bones instead.


Just like onions, garlic in any form – powdered, chopped, etc. – can damage a dog’s red blood cells. The damage typically won’t happen with a very small dose, but when ingested regularly or in large doses, it could cause the dog to be poisoned.

Moldy food

Throwing moldy food out in the backyard for the birds to eat or tossing it into the garbage bin? Make sure it’s out of reach of your pet. With all the types of molds that could grow on a particular item, your dog could get incredibly sick or even die if he ingests it. Signs of poisoning typically start as tremors in the body.

Grapes and raisins

They can be toxic – and fatal – when ingested in even the smallest of doses. No one really knows the reason behind them being toxic, but signs of poisoning include vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite, and weakness.

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