Bad Dog Warning Card

I guess it’s a good thing I’m so familiar with doing things on the Internet and via a computer because I just got a Bad Dog Warning Card from the USPS, so I might need email more than ever.  And, might I add, I am LMAO!
Bad dog warning cardThe only thing that was written on this card was our address, and after the address- in house-honk.  Giggling uncontrollably.  Are we freaking serious here? For one thing she’s 13 years old, for another thing she’s INSIDE THE HOUSE, and last I looked had not grown thumbs and cannot open the door.  I suppose in one of her more creative attack modes she might actually crash through the glass window and the screen and satisfy her taste for mail carriers that way, but I find it highly unlikely.  Shaking my head.
I have to say if you are a mail carrier and you are so afraid of dogs, no matter how bad their bark, that you can’t knock on a door or ring a doorbell because an animal INSIDE THE HOUSE scares you, you might have taken the wrong career path.

Passwords Alas

I have the most terrible time remembering my passwords. I used to use the same one everywhere except for my bank and credit cards, but for some reason I had to change several, and even though I do my best to write them down, it’s still a pain to have…

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Grandma Finally

  January 23, 2013 if I’m not mistaken. LOL That’s when I finally became a grandmother. My daughter had her first child, Rory, at the age of 29. She waited one more year than I did, I had her, my first, when I was 28. That’s my older brother Mel…

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I don’t know which of my readers also know that I have a mean, sometimes funny sarcastic streak running through me, but if you do then you may also know I admin on one of the funniest and smartest FaceBook Fan Pages out there, The World According To Atlas.  It…

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