Is Your Beer Still Twelve Ounces?

Is your beer still twelve ounces?  You know, regular cans of beer, LOL, not you tallboy drinkers.  The reason I’m asking is that they’ve changed so many products to different sizes (read that SMALLER) than they used to be, I’m wondering what will be next?  Your beer?  YES!  Budweiser has a new can design out, the “bowtie” and it holds not 12 ounces, but 11.3 ounces of beer.

bowtie beer cab

What else have they downsized that might impact beer drinkers everywhere?  Let’s close our eyes and envision a summer day,  not a cloud in the sky, the ice chest full of your favorite beverage and you are about to throw a few links on the pit when you happen to look down at the package and see—

eckrich sausage

14 ounces.  That’s right. FOURTEEN. Not the 16 ounces that used to make up the pound. I happened to notice this accidentally one day when I was comparing ingredients between different sausage types and it took a moment to sink in.  I mean I know that this type of price manipulation has been going on for some time but you can usually tell when that’s happened.  Who knows how long I’d been buying 14 ounces thinking I’d been getting a pound, and not for the same price either.  The price has risen even though the size has shrunk.  Hillshire Farms is guilty of the same practice.


You maybe feel like serving some cheese and crackers before the links come off the pit so you get the old box of Saltines down and don’t notice a thing, and that’s for good reason.  The box is still the same size as it always was, but the “fresh stacks” inside the box have more air and less crackers. Fifteen percent less as a matter of fact.


Let’s suppose you’re going to serve some type of vegetable with your links and you don’t want to be fancy, just put something else out there to maybe soak up a bit of the beer.  You don’t, after all, want your friends driving home drunk, so you decide you’ll open a can of corn because corn goes great with BBQ links, even if it’s not on the cob.  Those cans used to hold 16 ounces.  Not anymore.  Corn, at least Libby’s brand is now 15 ounces and green bean even less, weighing in at 14.5 ounces.

libbys vegetables

Suppose you want to serve some ice cream for dessert? It is after all a favorite summer time treat. If you live somewhere they sell Blue Bell you’re in luck because Blue Bell still sells their ice cream in half gallon containers.

Blue Bell Ice creamMost of the other brands do not as you can see here on Dryer’s seasonal pumpkin flavor. It’s only 1.5 quarts.


OK-  we’ve finished up with the BBQ, maybe drink a few more beers and we get home and realize we’ve maybe drank a few more than was optimal for health and something didn’t mix quite right in our stomachs.  Maybe it was the ice cream and the alcohol mix, who knows?  Now we have to make a mad rush to the bathroom to hug a toilet and we retch up what will come up and we reach over to grab a wad of toilet paper to wipe our funky mouths with, and what do we grab?  A roll that has less sheets than it used to, that’s what.  A roll of Scott for example used to hold 115.2 sq. ft.  Now it holds only 104.8 sq. ft.

scott toilet paper

We get through this day, the great time drinking beer with friends at a BBQ, the not so great time puking our guts out and all we want to do is go to bed and wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee or twenty. Well guess what? Of course. Coffee used to come in 16 ounce cans, and besides doing away with the cans they’ve done away with the amount of coffee they put in the container now. Most coffee that used to come as a pound now comes in containers that hold only 10.3 ounces and of course is more expensive as well.

folgers coffee
There are some brands that still give you what you expect, like Community Coffee, but as far as I know that’s basically a Southern brand and if you’re here in the states like I am, you may not be able to find it for sale. I’m in Texas though and it is readily available in all the stores so if I’m contemplating a hangover, I at least know I won’t pay more for the coffee to help me out of it than I should. It might cost more per ounce, but it won’t be a price I pay for something I think is the same size it’s always been because the container has been artfully redesigned.

community coffee

I could make this post quite a bit longer because there are multitudes of products that have been downsized and either say nothing about the downsizing at all, or tout it as trying to help the consumer make better choices by claiming the smaller sizes are due to less calories etc. but I’m pretty sure you’ve all taken my point, so I’ll leave you with the same question I began with-  is YOUR beer still 12 ounces?

Chainsaw Massacre Prank Goes Viral

I don’t know how no one has had a serious heart attack from these pranks! The team at VitalyzdTv have come up with a prank that is sure to make your blood run cold!


I like to think if I got caught up in one of these I would know it was a prank and stand my ground, but somehow I have a strong feeling I would crap my pants like everyone does in this video.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a classic film that most of us have seen. Can you imagine going about your day, just get off work, go to the carpark to get home to your loving family and you come across this.

How do you think you would react?

 What would you do if this happened to you?

Woman Buried Alive, Funeral Goers Hear Screams From The Grave

You are at a funeral, grieving the loss of your son when suddenly you hear screams coming from the coffin.

2011, COFFIN

That is what happened to a Chicago family.

They were saying their last goodbyes when they heard screaming coming from their sons coffin. They said,  “We decided to stay for a bit after the funeral, to let it all sink in. When all of a sudden we heard screams, but we could not figure out where they were coming from,” said one family member who wished to stay anonymous. “We realized it was coming from under the grave where we just laid my brother. We ran and got help.”

This would have to be on of my WORST NIGHTMARES. I cannot even imagine the fear and adrenaline that would have been running through them.


Police say when firefighters arrived, they received permission from the family to dig up the freshly dug grave. As they did, the screams became louder and louder.

When they reached the coffin, they pried it open, to find 34 year old Linda Lynch inside.

Police say it was a twisted plot. The coffin of the man, who was supposed to be buried, was wheeled to the back and his body was quickly removed after the service by the funeral director, Harold Lynch, at Thomas Hite Funeral Home, who had attempted to murder his 34 year old estranged wife.

Lynch had drugged his wife with arsenic and hid her in the funeral home, perfectly timing it with the scheduled burial.  The young man who was scheduled to be buried was found wrapped in a blanket in the funeral home basement.

I think this has to be one of the most disturbing things I have ever read.

What would you do if it happened to you?

Puppy Sized Spider Discovered In The Rain Forest

puppy sized spider theraphosa4

Image via Piort Naskrecki

Piotr Naskrecki was taking a walk in a rain forest in Guyana when he heard noises and rustling not to far away, (I would have had a panic attack, but enough about me) He turned on his flashlight and expected to see rat or some kind of small animal, but NO … Not even CLOSE!

Piotr, an entomologist and photographer at Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology said “When I turned on the light, I couldn’t quite understand what I was seeing,”

I mean seriously,  I would have run for the hills, I am not scared of spiders at all but I do have an issue with a spider that is the SIZE OF A PUPPY!!.. yes, you read that right!

A moment later, he realized he was looking not at a brown, furry mammal, but an enormous, puppy-size spider.

Despite seeming like an eight-legged waking nightmare, Nasrecki says the Goliath birdeater is “pretty much harmless to humans.” But, should you find yourself in the Guyanese rainforest, maybe keep your distance anyway, since its fangs are “capable of puncturing a mouse’s skull.”

Its definitely the stuff nightmares are made of!!

Are you an arachnophobic? What would you have done if you saw this beast in the forest?