The Aussie Hits Another Home Run

Copied directly from Vertical Hold’s FB page– Once again Vertical Hold’s Adam Turner takes social media giant Facebook to task for its appalling treatment of page owners: “Facebook’s ongoing campaign of punishing users over rule violations, while refusing to explain the charges so users can defend the allegations, continues to…

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My List of Shit

My List of Shit reminds me of George Carlin’s skit about “Stuff”.  Anybody remember that?  Hilarious.  Well I am always making lists of shit whether it’s what to buy at the grocery store, what I need to take on a short trip, or sometimes even different menus for breakfast on…

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Best Beer Pong Table EVER

This could be one of the best beer pong tables I have ever seen! Here is what the guys had to say on their Youtube channel. We are just a couple of Engineering students from WVU. We decided to create a table unlike any other. The idea started with just…

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