Tastes Like Moo-Cow

You know, I was driving along today and saw a cow wandering in a pasture, and I thought to myself,

“aw, he’s cute… but I’d still eat him”.

Then, it was like I could actually taste a charbroiled steak on my palette as I imagined which part of the cow that piece of meat came from.
I don’t know how anybody in their right mind could pass up a nice, juicy, tender piece of meat.
Okay, so I’m not comfortable with eating just any kind of meat – I typically stick to the meats I know – but I still eat the stuff in general.
How can anyone not like the flavour and texture? I just don’t get it.
I mean, I have a vegetarian relation and it drives me crazy when she quivers every time meat comes near her. She’s eaten meat in her past, although she never really enjoyed it, but come on, what’s not to enjoy?
Bah, oh well. I guess it just means there’s more meat for me.
Perhaps I shouldn’t complain so much about those vegitarts.

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