You Do That Like A Girl

For a long time, doing something “like a girl” has been used as an insult, which can leave adolescent girls feeling that it’s a bad thing. Now the crew at Always are asking us to rewrite the rules and put a positive spin on the phrase. This should be shown to all …

See Pee Tree?

For some reason or another, unknown to me, and kept secret from other women as well I’m sure, men like to pee on trees. They see tree, pee. One two three. That is, of course, if they’re out in the woods or IS it? There’s the  PP Planter that is designed to be …

The Best Revenge Story EVER

One time I was pretty drunk with a friend at a Target buying Risk. This little mexican 5-7 year old with a mohawk, was being an insufferable little shit in the action figure section. I heard him from like 5 aisles over and it was like nails on a chalkboard. …