Spam Shams

YOU, my friend, who I am happy so to have found you on this blogging post when I did do the search Google. YOU are the happiest new person of great articles I will found. Look familiar to you at all? If so you may very well be having the…

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The Rock Would Love These Babies

I think everyone that is familiar with “The Rock” or Dwayne Johnson as he would like to be known now, is well aware of his famous cocked eyebrow gaze, and I think he would probably love the looks of these babies.  Caution: Do NOT Try This At Home. 😉 Source: Tomorrow’s…

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Tastes Like Moo-Cow

You know, I was driving along today and saw a cow wandering in a pasture, and I thought to myself, “aw, he’s cute… but I’d still eat him”. Then, it was like I could actually taste a charbroiled steak on my palette as I imagined which part of the cow…

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Are You Pouring Your Beer Right?

Evidently there is a specific way you’re supposed to pour a beer. I always thought that if I managed to get it all in the glass without too much head or not filling the glass too full so it didn’t pour down the sides that I was doing OK. Also different types…

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