Pissed Off

Dear Folly, I swear that there must be at least one retard on my end of the floor in my dorm. The reason that I say this is because either he is seriously stupid or he’s drunk when he goes to the bathroom to piss or both. I mean seriously,…

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Chocolate Beer And Bacon Cake

Chocolate Beer & Bacon Cake An Original Recipe by Lorraine Elliott/Not Quite Nigella I adore Nigella, I love her passion for cooking and she is one sexy Mumma! The one thing I love about this cake is that is has beer AND bacon in it! I am going to give it…

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Adam Turner At Bat Again

Copied directly from Vertical Hold’s FB page– Once again Vertical Hold’s Adam Turner takes social media giant Facebook to task for its appalling treatment of page owners: “Facebook’s ongoing campaign of punishing users over rule violations, while refusing to explain the charges so users can defend the allegations, continues to…

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